Wednesday 12 December 2018

Tech talks

This semester Mr. Katz, our ES Tech Coordinator,  and I partnered to do lessons with Grade 4 and 5  about "The Ripple Effect" and "Respect Online." We stress to students that what they post either on blogger, through text messages to friends, or comments they make on gaming sites etc. is a reflection of who they are, which in turn affects the friends who they associate with and also the community they are a part of at ISKL - the ripple effect. How do you want to be seen to others? 
Never Never Rules are rules that students should know automatically that they shouldn't do in order to stay safe. This includes digital citizenship. 

We asked students to think critically about the things they post and whether or not they should post it or send it. What would happen, who does this affect? 
Should we share pictures of people without their knowledge? What if the person says "yes" but it's an embarrassing photo? How does that reflect on us?

Students should always consider this:

Students are encouraged to take a screen shot and tell a trusted adult if they receive something that is unexpected or makes them feel uncomfortable. If students stumble upon something online we ask that they close their computer and tell a trusted adult right away. It's important to know what they saw and how they "got there." 

You should know your child's password and what they're doing online. To assist you in having these conversations please visit which has many useful tools to help you be involved in your child's tech usage and tips for how to keep your child safe online. 

**Students were reminded that they are not allowed to use their PantherApps for anything other than school content related material. 

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