Saturday, 9 February 2019

Introduction to Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is the ability to monitor and control our bodies, emotions, and thoughts, and changing them as needed. There are many strong or difficult emotions that need  need regulating. Children can experience a range of  reactions  with difficult emotions (i.e. sweat, heart races, yell, stomp, cry) Many students identified feelings of frustration, anger, sadness and sometimes all of those mixed together.
To get us thinking about how to regulate our behaviours, we played the game, Red Light, Green Light. Students made connections that cars must regulate their driving to be aware of what is happening around them (just like our feelings!)

Kindness Matters

As we returned back last month from our mid-year break, we started our lessons off with thinking about kindness. Kindness is about noticing what we see in the world around us in responding in ways with both verbal and non-verbal gestures.
Students explored the value in understanding that Kindness really does start with ourselves! Noticing things about our own self that are worth celebrating and sharing with others. We also unpacked what kindness looks like and sounds like.

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